Advertise With Us

We are very proud to announce that we are now offering ad space here on the site. We have a few set of packages available to bit your needs and budget. has a wide range of readers everyday, anywhere from 1,000-5,000 a day. Not to mention tens of thousands of followers on various social media networks, and when you advertise with us you also get advertising on each of those social media outlets totaling almost 30,000 people following us.

By purchasing an advertisement slot on our site you will also become a sponsor and mentioned on the “Real Side Podcast” every week.
Use the above PayPal verified buttons to enroll in our advertising plans (month to month). After checkout we will contact you within 24 hours to get all the information and banners we need to advertise you or your site.

Our advertisements are setup to show up even if the viewer is running AdBlock!

Advertisement Plans

Please note that we cannot guarantee any sales or signs ups with these advertisements, however we can guarantee that you will see a boost in traffic. You can cancel at any time.

We can offer special custom designed advertisements if you cannot provide us with one for an additional fee. If you need us to design your advertisement let us know when we contact you after you make your purchase.