RED ALERT: MSNBC Claims to have Trump’s tax returns and releasing at 9PM2 minute read

Rachel Maddow will be releasing them on her show live at 9 PM

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Rachel Maddow of MSNBC tweeted an hour ago saying that they have Donald Trump’s tax returns and will be releasing on her show live tonight at 9 PM.

Now as you can see it is supposedly from 2005. Regardless of what is on those returns, Trump was nothing more than a civilian, not a politician or even running for office. So it really doesn’t matter what is on them. And I can’t wait to see MSNBC go bankrupt (which they’re on the verge of anyway) when Trump absolutely destroys them in a lawsuit. We here at RealNSE will be reporting on this as it happens and breaking down what it all means and helping you decrypt through the false narratives. We will report on it 100% accurately as the information is given to us and in a nonpartisan manner.

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