Donald Trump absolutely destroyed Hillary Clinton in the second presidential debate4 minute read

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Many Trump supporters including myself were a bit dissapointed in the first debate how Trump didn’t attack, he wanted to seem more presidential. And I get that, but I was worried he would do the same this time.
But I was wrong, Trump didn’t pull any punches tonight. He didn’t take any bullshit from the biased moderators at all tonight which I absolutely love. Anytime Anderson Cooper or Martha Raddatz would cut Trump off he would say “excuse me” “why didn’t you interrupt her when she went over“.

Donald Trump absolutely destroyed Hillary Clinton in the second presidential debate
A few other key points I loved….

  • He FINALLY brought up the rape and disrespecting and mistreatment of woman. Which he didn’t want to do in the first debate. But he listened to his supporters. He said “for you to bring up words I said over a decade ago when Bill Clinton rapes woman and you defend rapists is disgraceful, you should be ashamed of yourself!“. Absolutely beautiful.
  • Of course they tried to bring up the “birther” issue but Trump handled it beautifully. She said he needs to apologize to Obama. He quickly shot that down and said “actually you owe president Obama an apologize since you and your campaign started that, not me“.
  • He slammed her on the email scandal! She got so shaken and flustered when he slammed her and said once he’s in office he’s going to make it his mission to open a private investigation into her email scandals.

Trump did everything right. I give him an A+ for his performance. In these beginning of the debate Hillary was smiling and standing, by mid way through she was sitting, then by the end she was clearly frustrated at the fact that she lost the debate, anything she threw at him he would smack it down. This is just what he needed! Wake up those ignorant brainwashed Hillary supporters!!!

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