Ray Donovan 4 Finale Review3 minute read

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I’m not going to lie overall this season of Ray Donovan was a bit disappointing. Obviously I did enjoy it, simply because the acting is fantastic . But it just seemed slow and a bit predictable. I mean Mickey does something stupid, Ray has to clean up his mess. And in doing so Ray gets in too deep with bad people. The rest of the season or most of it is Ray dealing with the mess Mickey got him into. This season wasn’t much different. But I’d say the second half of this season was pretty good, it definitely picked up. I don’t know but to me it seemed as though this season went by really fast.

Ray Donovan Season 4 Finale Review


Fast forward to the season 4 finale. It was by far the best finale of the shows history. Unlike some show finales it tied up all the loose ends throughout this season in one episode. To defeat the Russian mob Ray turned down the deal from the feds and handled it the way Ray Donovan does, like a bad ass.. In this time of need Ray turns to his family for help. Everyone pitched in, it was epic.


Normally I would predict what would happen for season 5, but I’m not really sure. All I know is that I’m looking forward to it.

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